torek, 19. marec 2019

2 teden: 5,6,7dan 2week: 5,6,7 day

V petek smo odšli do reke, tam se namreč zadržuje mladina do 00.00ure, potem pa se odpravijo v diskote. Da jim do 00.00ure ni dolgčas prinesejo zvočnike in se zabava začne,  tako da, ko prideš v disko si že ogret za nove plese😂. Po zabavi ob reki smo odšli v disko Utopia z Uberjem. Diskoti pridejo nabiti in plesišče je nonstop polno. V disku smo ostali do 07.00ure in se z avtobusom vrnili  domov. Soboto smo večinoma prespali, edino zvečer smo odšli v center na sladoled in dvorne norčke.V nedeljo ni bilo nič posebnega. Zlikali smo si majice, hlace,... in odšli bolj zgodaj spat zaradi prakse naslednji dan.

On Friday: we had practice, and we all performed small vehicle services. We prepared rice for lunch. In the evening we went out with the friends we met on the basketball court. We went to the river by bus. River is place where young people stay up to 00.00 and then they go to the disco, because it’s opens at 00.00. At the river, people brings the loudspeakers and it’s a party to  00.00 pm, so when you get into the disc you are already warm for new dances. After a party by the river we went to the disco Utopia with Uber. The disco come loaded and the dance floor is nonstop full. In the disco we got up 07.00pm and went home by bus. We spent Saturday most sleeping, the only in the evening we went to the ice cream center and courtiers.There was nothing special on Sunday. We ironing t-shirts, pants, ... and went to sleep early for practice the next day.

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