V soboto smo si odšli pogledat bližnjo okolico : trgovine, igrišča in gradbišča na cestah. Kosilo smo si naredili bolj pozno, okoli 16.00 uri. Zvečer smo pa odšli v center mesta. Na začetek centra prideš z avtobusom, če pa želiš priti točno v osrčje centra, te tja popelje vlak😃. Ne glede na uro je v centru vedno živahno. Polno je turistov in zmešanih špancev, ki s svojimi norimi kostumi privabljajo turiste in iz njih izvabljajo denar. Da si boste bolje predstavljali: en je bil cel pobarvan v zlato barvo, drugi se je našemil v Jezusa in v eni roki držal križ v drugi pa cigaret, tretji je bil spiderman samo da brez maske cez obraz,... Med potjo domov smo se ustavili še v Hard Rock Cafeji.
V nedeljo smo takoj ko smo ustali imeli zajtrk in kosilo skupaj, potem smo pa takoj odšli v center mesta. Odšli smo na najdražji sladoled 😂. Za večerjo smo šli na pico. Okoli 21.00ure pa smo si šli ogledat najlepši kraj v Sevilli, Plaza de Espana. Tam smo bili vse dokler nismo odšli nazaj v apartma.
V ponedeljek zjutraj smo odšli vsi na prakso (konec bolniške). Za kosilo smo si naredili mineštro(ne poznam pravilnega Slovenskega izraza).
Na praksi sem jaz opravil menjavo sklopke. Da sem lahko zamenjal sklopko sem moral odstranit menjalnik. Ostali so opravili servis zavor (prednjih in zadnjih) ter male servise in menjavo katalizatorja.
Ob 16.00uri smo pa imeli učne ure Španščine. Navadli smo se nekaj osnovnih besed in tudi kako se imenujejo deli avtomobila po špansko. Po končanih urah smo v trgovini kupli košarkarsko žogo in odšli na igrišče. Med igranjem košarke smo spoznali par fantov iz Seville in se z njimi spoprijateljili. Za večerjo smo odšli na pico.
V torek smo si po praksi za kosilo naredili golaž. Ob 16.00uri pa smo imeli učne ure španščine, vendar smo se tokrat pridružili skupini ljudi iz Poljske. Zvečer pa smo odšli v center mesta.
The last two days of the first week (during weekends we have no practice) they started to get late for us, because we both woke up at about 11.00 a day.
On Saturday we went to see the nearby surroundings: shops, playgrounds and construction sites on the roads. We made a lunch more late at around 16.00. In the evening we went to the city center. At the beginning of the center you come by bus, but if you want to get to the heart of the center, then the train takes you there. Whatever the time, the center is always lively. There are a lot of tourists and crazy mans that attract tourists with their crazy costumes and get money out of them. To represent yourself better: one was painted in gold, the other one encountered Jesus, holding a cross in the other, cigars in one hand, the third being a spiderman just without a face mask ... During the journey home They stopped at Hard Rock Cafe.
On Sunday, as soon as we got up, we had breakfast and lunch together, but then we immediately went to the city center. We went to the most expensive ice cream 😂. For dinner we went to the pizza. Around 21:00 pm we went to see the most beautiful place in Seville, Plaza de Espana. We were there until we went back to the apartment.
2 weeks:
On Monday morning, we all went to practice (the end of the hospital). For lunch, we made mineštro (I do not know the correct Slovenian expression).
In practice, I made a clutch change. To replace the coupling, I had to remove the transmission. Others have performed service brake (front and rear) and small service and replacement of the catalytic converter.
At 16.00 we had Spanish lessons. We have learned a few basic words and also how to name parts of the car in Spanish. After the end of the hours we bought a basketball ball in the store and went to the court. While playing basketball we met a couple of guys from Seville and made friends with them. For dinner we went to the pizza.
On Tuesday we made a goulash for lunch. At 16.00 we had Spanish lessons, but this time we joined a group of people from Poland. In the evening we went to the city center.
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