V petek smo odšli do reke, tam se namreč zadržuje mladina do 00.00ure, potem pa se odpravijo v diskote. Da jim do 00.00ure ni dolgčas prinesejo zvočnike in se zabava začne, tako da, ko prideš v disko si že ogret za nove plese😂. Po zabavi ob reki smo odšli v disko Utopia z Uberjem. Diskoti pridejo nabiti in plesišče je nonstop polno. V disku smo ostali do 07.00ure in se z avtobusom vrnili domov. Soboto smo večinoma prespali, edino zvečer smo odšli v center na sladoled in dvorne norčke.V nedeljo ni bilo nič posebnega. Zlikali smo si majice, hlace,... in odšli bolj zgodaj spat zaradi prakse naslednji dan.
On Friday: we had practice, and we all performed small vehicle services. We prepared rice for lunch. In the evening we went out with the friends we met on the basketball court. We went to the river by bus. River is place where young people stay up to 00.00 and then they go to the disco, because it’s opens at 00.00. At the river, people brings the loudspeakers and it’s a party to 00.00 pm, so when you get into the disc you are already warm for new dances. After a party by the river we went to the disco Utopia with Uber. The disco come loaded and the dance floor is nonstop full. In the disco we got up 07.00pm and went home by bus. We spent Saturday most sleeping, the only in the evening we went to the ice cream center and courtiers.There was nothing special on Sunday. We ironing t-shirts, pants, ... and went to sleep early for practice the next day.
torek, 19. marec 2019
četrtek, 14. marec 2019
2 teden: 3,4 dan , 2week: 3,4 day
V sredo smo na praksi usi opravili najmanj en mali servis. Mark in Jan sta poleg servisa opravila še menjavo svečk, Nejc pa je opravljal tudi diagnostiko na vozilu ( na vozilo je priklopil računalnik z pomočjo EOBD kabla in priključka).
Za kosilo smo si naročili pico. Cene pic so podobne cenam v Sloveniji. Zvečer sva z Nejcom odšla v glasbeno trgovino. Tam sva igrala na kitaro in na bobne, ter si nabavila par trzlic, jaz pa sem si kupil tudi dva kitarska pedals. S fanti smo odšli tudi raziskovat po Sevilli. Prvič smo se peljali z Ubrjem in z šoferjevo pomočjo našli kraj oziroma trg kjer se druži veliko mladih.
V četrtek sem na delu opravljal bolj lažje stvari. Dodatno opremo na enem vozilu (sanke na strehi vozila, kljuka, električni priklop) sem namestil na novejše vozilo. Osebno si nisem mislil, da mi bo uzela toliko časa. Nejc je na praksi zamenjal gume na vozilu. Sprednje je namestil zadi in zadnje spredaj (zaradi obrabljenosti). Jan je naredil 2 mala servisa, Mark pa je opravil servis zadnjih zavor.
Za kosilo smo imeli pico 😂, tokrat smo dobili popust. Zvečer smo pa ostali doma.
On Wednesday, at least one small service was carried out in practice. Mark and Jan also exchanged spark plugs in addition to the service, while Nejc also performed diagnostics on the vehicle (he connected the diagnostic computer with the help of EOBD cable and connector on the vehicle).
We ordered a pizza for lunch. Prices of pic are similar to prices in Slovenia. In the evening, Nejc and i went to the music store. We played guitar and drums there, and we bought a couple of trills, and I bought two guitar pedals. We went out with the boys to explore the Seville. For the first time we drove with Ube and with the help of the driver we found a place where a lot of young people are hanging out.
On Thursday, I made things easier on my work. I installed an optional one-car (sledge on the roof of a vehicle, a hook, an electrical connection) on a new vehicle. Personally, I didn’t think it would take me so much time. Nejc replaced the tires on the vehicle. The front mounted the rear and the back front (due to wear). Jan made 2 small services, and Mark performed the service of the rear brake.
For lunch, we had pizza 😂, this time we got a discount. We stayed at home in the evening.
On Wednesday, at least one small service was carried out in practice. Mark and Jan also exchanged spark plugs in addition to the service, while Nejc also performed diagnostics on the vehicle (he connected the diagnostic computer with the help of EOBD cable and connector on the vehicle).
We ordered a pizza for lunch. Prices of pic are similar to prices in Slovenia. In the evening, Nejc and i went to the music store. We played guitar and drums there, and we bought a couple of trills, and I bought two guitar pedals. We went out with the boys to explore the Seville. For the first time we drove with Ube and with the help of the driver we found a place where a lot of young people are hanging out.
On Thursday, I made things easier on my work. I installed an optional one-car (sledge on the roof of a vehicle, a hook, an electrical connection) on a new vehicle. Personally, I didn’t think it would take me so much time. Nejc replaced the tires on the vehicle. The front mounted the rear and the back front (due to wear). Jan made 2 small services, and Mark performed the service of the rear brake.
For lunch, we had pizza 😂, this time we got a discount. We stayed at home in the evening.
torek, 12. marec 2019
1teden: 6,7 dan + 2teden: 1,2 dan
Zadnja dva dneva prvega tedna, oziroma prvi vikend😃 (med vikendi nimamo prakse) sta se za nas začela bolj pozno 😂 saj smo se oba dni zbudili okoli 11.00uri.
V soboto smo si odšli pogledat bližnjo okolico : trgovine, igrišča in gradbišča na cestah. Kosilo smo si naredili bolj pozno, okoli 16.00 uri. Zvečer smo pa odšli v center mesta. Na začetek centra prideš z avtobusom, če pa želiš priti točno v osrčje centra, te tja popelje vlak😃. Ne glede na uro je v centru vedno živahno. Polno je turistov in zmešanih špancev, ki s svojimi norimi kostumi privabljajo turiste in iz njih izvabljajo denar. Da si boste bolje predstavljali: en je bil cel pobarvan v zlato barvo, drugi se je našemil v Jezusa in v eni roki držal križ v drugi pa cigaret, tretji je bil spiderman samo da brez maske cez obraz,... Med potjo domov smo se ustavili še v Hard Rock Cafeji.
V nedeljo smo takoj ko smo ustali imeli zajtrk in kosilo skupaj, potem smo pa takoj odšli v center mesta. Odšli smo na najdražji sladoled 😂. Za večerjo smo šli na pico. Okoli 21.00ure pa smo si šli ogledat najlepši kraj v Sevilli, Plaza de Espana. Tam smo bili vse dokler nismo odšli nazaj v apartma.
V ponedeljek zjutraj smo odšli vsi na prakso (konec bolniške). Za kosilo smo si naredili mineštro(ne poznam pravilnega Slovenskega izraza).
Na praksi sem jaz opravil menjavo sklopke. Da sem lahko zamenjal sklopko sem moral odstranit menjalnik. Ostali so opravili servis zavor (prednjih in zadnjih) ter male servise in menjavo katalizatorja.
Ob 16.00uri smo pa imeli učne ure Španščine. Navadli smo se nekaj osnovnih besed in tudi kako se imenujejo deli avtomobila po špansko. Po končanih urah smo v trgovini kupli košarkarsko žogo in odšli na igrišče. Med igranjem košarke smo spoznali par fantov iz Seville in se z njimi spoprijateljili. Za večerjo smo odšli na pico.
V torek smo si po praksi za kosilo naredili golaž. Ob 16.00uri pa smo imeli učne ure španščine, vendar smo se tokrat pridružili skupini ljudi iz Poljske. Zvečer pa smo odšli v center mesta.
The last two days of the first week (during weekends we have no practice) they started to get late for us, because we both woke up at about 11.00 a day.
On Saturday we went to see the nearby surroundings: shops, playgrounds and construction sites on the roads. We made a lunch more late at around 16.00. In the evening we went to the city center. At the beginning of the center you come by bus, but if you want to get to the heart of the center, then the train takes you there. Whatever the time, the center is always lively. There are a lot of tourists and crazy mans that attract tourists with their crazy costumes and get money out of them. To represent yourself better: one was painted in gold, the other one encountered Jesus, holding a cross in the other, cigars in one hand, the third being a spiderman just without a face mask ... During the journey home They stopped at Hard Rock Cafe.
On Sunday, as soon as we got up, we had breakfast and lunch together, but then we immediately went to the city center. We went to the most expensive ice cream 😂. For dinner we went to the pizza. Around 21:00 pm we went to see the most beautiful place in Seville, Plaza de Espana. We were there until we went back to the apartment.
2 weeks:
On Monday morning, we all went to practice (the end of the hospital). For lunch, we made mineštro (I do not know the correct Slovenian expression).
In practice, I made a clutch change. To replace the coupling, I had to remove the transmission. Others have performed service brake (front and rear) and small service and replacement of the catalytic converter.
At 16.00 we had Spanish lessons. We have learned a few basic words and also how to name parts of the car in Spanish. After the end of the hours we bought a basketball ball in the store and went to the court. While playing basketball we met a couple of guys from Seville and made friends with them. For dinner we went to the pizza.
On Tuesday we made a goulash for lunch. At 16.00 we had Spanish lessons, but this time we joined a group of people from Poland. In the evening we went to the city center.
V soboto smo si odšli pogledat bližnjo okolico : trgovine, igrišča in gradbišča na cestah. Kosilo smo si naredili bolj pozno, okoli 16.00 uri. Zvečer smo pa odšli v center mesta. Na začetek centra prideš z avtobusom, če pa želiš priti točno v osrčje centra, te tja popelje vlak😃. Ne glede na uro je v centru vedno živahno. Polno je turistov in zmešanih špancev, ki s svojimi norimi kostumi privabljajo turiste in iz njih izvabljajo denar. Da si boste bolje predstavljali: en je bil cel pobarvan v zlato barvo, drugi se je našemil v Jezusa in v eni roki držal križ v drugi pa cigaret, tretji je bil spiderman samo da brez maske cez obraz,... Med potjo domov smo se ustavili še v Hard Rock Cafeji.
V nedeljo smo takoj ko smo ustali imeli zajtrk in kosilo skupaj, potem smo pa takoj odšli v center mesta. Odšli smo na najdražji sladoled 😂. Za večerjo smo šli na pico. Okoli 21.00ure pa smo si šli ogledat najlepši kraj v Sevilli, Plaza de Espana. Tam smo bili vse dokler nismo odšli nazaj v apartma.
V ponedeljek zjutraj smo odšli vsi na prakso (konec bolniške). Za kosilo smo si naredili mineštro(ne poznam pravilnega Slovenskega izraza).
Na praksi sem jaz opravil menjavo sklopke. Da sem lahko zamenjal sklopko sem moral odstranit menjalnik. Ostali so opravili servis zavor (prednjih in zadnjih) ter male servise in menjavo katalizatorja.
Ob 16.00uri smo pa imeli učne ure Španščine. Navadli smo se nekaj osnovnih besed in tudi kako se imenujejo deli avtomobila po špansko. Po končanih urah smo v trgovini kupli košarkarsko žogo in odšli na igrišče. Med igranjem košarke smo spoznali par fantov iz Seville in se z njimi spoprijateljili. Za večerjo smo odšli na pico.
V torek smo si po praksi za kosilo naredili golaž. Ob 16.00uri pa smo imeli učne ure španščine, vendar smo se tokrat pridružili skupini ljudi iz Poljske. Zvečer pa smo odšli v center mesta.
The last two days of the first week (during weekends we have no practice) they started to get late for us, because we both woke up at about 11.00 a day.
On Saturday we went to see the nearby surroundings: shops, playgrounds and construction sites on the roads. We made a lunch more late at around 16.00. In the evening we went to the city center. At the beginning of the center you come by bus, but if you want to get to the heart of the center, then the train takes you there. Whatever the time, the center is always lively. There are a lot of tourists and crazy mans that attract tourists with their crazy costumes and get money out of them. To represent yourself better: one was painted in gold, the other one encountered Jesus, holding a cross in the other, cigars in one hand, the third being a spiderman just without a face mask ... During the journey home They stopped at Hard Rock Cafe.
On Sunday, as soon as we got up, we had breakfast and lunch together, but then we immediately went to the city center. We went to the most expensive ice cream 😂. For dinner we went to the pizza. Around 21:00 pm we went to see the most beautiful place in Seville, Plaza de Espana. We were there until we went back to the apartment.
2 weeks:
On Monday morning, we all went to practice (the end of the hospital). For lunch, we made mineštro (I do not know the correct Slovenian expression).
In practice, I made a clutch change. To replace the coupling, I had to remove the transmission. Others have performed service brake (front and rear) and small service and replacement of the catalytic converter.
At 16.00 we had Spanish lessons. We have learned a few basic words and also how to name parts of the car in Spanish. After the end of the hours we bought a basketball ball in the store and went to the court. While playing basketball we met a couple of guys from Seville and made friends with them. For dinner we went to the pizza.
On Tuesday we made a goulash for lunch. At 16.00 we had Spanish lessons, but this time we joined a group of people from Poland. In the evening we went to the city center.
petek, 8. marec 2019
1teden: 4,5 dan / 1week: 4,5 day
Ta dva dni sem jaz ostal v apartmaju in bom nadaljeval prakso v pondeljek, med tem ko so Nejc,Mark in Jan redno hodili.
Podjetja kjer opravljamo prakso so opredeljena na 2 prostora : salon (prodaja novih vozil) in servisni prostor. Pri delu so zaposleni počasni, na kratko, ne hitijo. Po usakem popravilu vozila, pa naj je to še najlažnje popravilo (menjava olja in filtrov) si uzamejo 10min odmora ali počitka. Če bi naprimer tako delali v Sloveniji bi bili verjetno takoj odpuščeni😂.
Mark in Jan sta na praksi dokončala menjavo tesnila glave motorja ter opravila 2 mala servisa (menjava olja motorja, filtra zraka, filtra kabine in filtra olja motorja) in pripravila 2 novi vozili (jih očistila za prodajo). Nejc pa je opravil menjavo servis zadnjih zavor. Zamenjal je kolute (diske) in zavorne ploščice.
Mark in Jan sta na praksi dokončala menjavo tesnila glave motorja ter opravila 2 mala servisa (menjava olja motorja, filtra zraka, filtra kabine in filtra olja motorja) in pripravila 2 novi vozili (jih očistila za prodajo). Nejc pa je opravil menjavo servis zadnjih zavor. Zamenjal je kolute (diske) in zavorne ploščice.
Oba dva dni se ni zgodilo nič posebnega.
Odšli smo v trgovino po stvari, ki jih nujno potrebujemo za preživetje (wc papir, kosmiči, nutella). Parkrat smo odšli tudi v Burger King na kosilo ali večerjo.
V teh dneh smo tudi izvedeli, da se je v Sevilli snemalo serijo Game of Thrones😃( Alcaźar ki je v seriji prikazan kot mesto Dorne https://youtu.be/EdSPfNx7MHI).
Ljudje so tukaj zelo prijazni. Kljub temu, da ne znajo angleško se trudijo čim bolje pomagat (kažejo z rokami, mimika). Velikokrat je zelo smešno.
Delil bom tudi eno smešno izkušnjo od včeraj. Odpravili smo se v trgovino in takoj, ko smo prišli ven z bloka je na razdalji 20metrov zanami hodil en gospod in z bolj hripavim glasom kričal neke španske besede in gledal tako nas kot tudi ostale ljudi v okolici😂. Po mojem se ga je kar dobro napil 😂.
These two days I stayed in the apartment and I will continue my practice in the Monday, while Nejc, Mark and Jan will regularly go to practice.
The companies where we practice are defined in 2 spaces: salon (sale of new vehicles) and service space. At work, employees are slow, in short, do not rush. After the vehicle is repaired, however, it’s the easiest repair (oil and filter change) they take 10 minutes of rest.
In practice, Mark and Jan completed the replacement of the engine head gasket and performed 2 small services (changing engine oil, air filter, cabin filter and engine oil filter) and prepared 2 new vehicles (clean them for sale). Nejc maked the service of the rear brakes. He changed the discs and break pads.
In practice, Mark and Jan completed the replacement of the engine head gasket and performed 2 small services (changing engine oil, air filter, cabin filter and engine oil filter) and prepared 2 new vehicles (clean them for sale). Nejc maked the service of the rear brakes. He changed the discs and break pads.
Nothing special happened for these two days.
We went to the store and buy things we urgently need for survival (toilet paper, flakes, nutella). We also went to Burger King for lunch or dinner.
In those days, we also learned that the series Game of Thrones was filmed in Seville (Alcaźar is shown in the series as Dorna, https://youtu.be/gVwUx87eE5A)
People here are very friendly. Even though they do not know English they try to help as much as possible (they show with their hands, mimics). It's often funny.
I will also share one funny experience from yesterday. We went to the store and as soon as we came out of the block, a gentleman walked on the distance of 20 meters behind and, with a more hoarse voice, screamed some Spanish words and watched us and the other people who were around 😂. In my opinion, he was well drunk.
sreda, 6. marec 2019
Prvi dan, drugi dan/ First dat and second day
Prvi dan prakse: Zbudili smo se ob 7.00 uri saj sta ob 7.40 prišla profesor Boris Cunja in Magda iz Eurominda. Z avtobusom smo odšli do delavnic. Jan in Mark opravljasta prakso na Volvotu, Nejc in jaz pa na Ford tysa. Nejc, Jan in Mark imajo skupno pot do podjetij in se zjutraj odpravijo z avtobusom. Jaz pa imam prakso na drugem kraju kot ostali in imam od apartmaja do delavnice 10min hoje (prav tako Ford tysa, le da druga delavnica kot Nejc). Urnike imamo od 9.00 ure do 15.00 ure. Na praksi opravljamo različna dela. Začetek prakse v tujini smo začeli z bolj lažjimi deli. Jaz sem prvi dan opravil menjavo alternatorja in opravil mali servis oz. menjavo olja motorja, filtra zraka, filtra olja in filter kabine. Ostali fantje so tudi prav tako opravili male servise. Ko pridemo v apartma si naredimo kosilo npr. skuhamo pašto z omako ali spečemo ljubljanski zrezek in krompir. Po kosilu nas je Magda pelja center mesta. Pokazala nam je najbolj znane znamenitosti Seville. Prvi dan je bil pester saj se je pri vračanju domov Nejc izgubil oziroma zamudil avtobus. Mene pa je že zjutraj začela malo boleti glava in med dnevom so me močno začela bolet ušesa, verjetno zaradi pritiska iz letala.
Komunikacija: Z našimi mentorji na praksi se pogovarjamo v angleščini čeprav noben ne zna angleščine, trudimo se da uporabljamo čim bolj enostavne besede da bi nas razumeli. Pri meni imasta mentorja (Emi in Hose) na telefonu naloženo aplikacijo za prevajanje angleščine v španščino in tut obratno.
Drugi dan: Jaz sem zjutraj z profesorjom Borisom odšel do doktorja zaradi bolečin v ušesu. Na vrsto sva prišla takoj. Potreboval sem edino modro zdravstveno kartico in osrbni dokument. Zdravnica me je pregledala in mi dala naročilo za zdravila, ki sem jih kupil v lekarni. Nejc, Jan in Mark so odšli zjutraj na prakso in se ob 15.00 uri vrnili. Osebno ne opravljamo zahtevnil del. Nejc je na praksi opravil zamenjavo gum in 2 mala servisa. Jan in Mark pa sta z mentorjem opravljala zamenjavo tesnila glave motorja.
V centru mesta je zelo živahno. Polno je turistov in lepih punc.😃
The first day of practice: We woke up at 7.00 am, as at 7:40 pm Professor Boris Cunja and Magda from Euromind arrived. We went to the workshops by bus. Jan and Mark practice Volvot, and Nejc and myself at Ford Tysa. Nejc, Jan and Mark have a common way to go and get off the bus in the morning. I have practice in another place than others and I have from the apartment to the workshop a 10min walk (also Ford tysa, but the other workshop like Nejc). We work from 9 am to 3 pm. We started the practice abroad with more lighter work.
On the first day I changed the alternator and performed a small service, changing engine oil, air filter, oil filter and filter cabin. The other guys also performed small services.When we get into the apartment we make a lunch eg. we cook pasta with sauce or bake steak and potatoes. After lunch, Magda is taked us downtown. She showed us the most famous sights of Seville. The first day was funny because when we returned home (Jan,Mark and me) Nejc lost or missed a bus. I started getting a little headache early this morning, and during the day, my ears started to hurt probably because of the pressure from the airplane.
Communication: With our mentors in practice, we are talking in English, although nobody knows English, we try to use as simple words as possible to understand us. With the my mentor (Hose and Emi) they have translation on the phone, an English-to-Spanish translation application is loaded on the phone, and vice versa.
The second day: I went to the doctor in the morning with Professor Boris for pain in my ear. We came in line immediately. I needed the only blue health card and an auspicious document. The doctor examined me and gave me an order for medicines that I bought at a pharmacy. Nejc, Jan and Mark left for practice in the morning and returned at 3 pm. We do not personally perform the requested work.
It's very lively in the city center. It's full of tourists and nice girls!
Komunikacija: Z našimi mentorji na praksi se pogovarjamo v angleščini čeprav noben ne zna angleščine, trudimo se da uporabljamo čim bolj enostavne besede da bi nas razumeli. Pri meni imasta mentorja (Emi in Hose) na telefonu naloženo aplikacijo za prevajanje angleščine v španščino in tut obratno.
Drugi dan: Jaz sem zjutraj z profesorjom Borisom odšel do doktorja zaradi bolečin v ušesu. Na vrsto sva prišla takoj. Potreboval sem edino modro zdravstveno kartico in osrbni dokument. Zdravnica me je pregledala in mi dala naročilo za zdravila, ki sem jih kupil v lekarni. Nejc, Jan in Mark so odšli zjutraj na prakso in se ob 15.00 uri vrnili. Osebno ne opravljamo zahtevnil del. Nejc je na praksi opravil zamenjavo gum in 2 mala servisa. Jan in Mark pa sta z mentorjem opravljala zamenjavo tesnila glave motorja.
V centru mesta je zelo živahno. Polno je turistov in lepih punc.😃
The first day of practice: We woke up at 7.00 am, as at 7:40 pm Professor Boris Cunja and Magda from Euromind arrived. We went to the workshops by bus. Jan and Mark practice Volvot, and Nejc and myself at Ford Tysa. Nejc, Jan and Mark have a common way to go and get off the bus in the morning. I have practice in another place than others and I have from the apartment to the workshop a 10min walk (also Ford tysa, but the other workshop like Nejc). We work from 9 am to 3 pm. We started the practice abroad with more lighter work.
On the first day I changed the alternator and performed a small service, changing engine oil, air filter, oil filter and filter cabin. The other guys also performed small services.When we get into the apartment we make a lunch eg. we cook pasta with sauce or bake steak and potatoes. After lunch, Magda is taked us downtown. She showed us the most famous sights of Seville. The first day was funny because when we returned home (Jan,Mark and me) Nejc lost or missed a bus. I started getting a little headache early this morning, and during the day, my ears started to hurt probably because of the pressure from the airplane.
Communication: With our mentors in practice, we are talking in English, although nobody knows English, we try to use as simple words as possible to understand us. With the my mentor (Hose and Emi) they have translation on the phone, an English-to-Spanish translation application is loaded on the phone, and vice versa.
The second day: I went to the doctor in the morning with Professor Boris for pain in my ear. We came in line immediately. I needed the only blue health card and an auspicious document. The doctor examined me and gave me an order for medicines that I bought at a pharmacy. Nejc, Jan and Mark left for practice in the morning and returned at 3 pm. We do not personally perform the requested work.
It's very lively in the city center. It's full of tourists and nice girls!
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